In a month known for a frenzy of fireworks that can turn the night sky into a stunning display of color, the universe will give a few shows of its own that will be seen throughout the world
Allow at least 15 minutes for your eyes to adjust to the darkness before viewing the Milky Way. The nights around the new moon on July 9 will be the best for viewing the galaxy
During the summer, the Milky Way can be seen multiple times. Even yet, keep in mind that the top three astronomical phenomena of July will only be viewable on specified evenings, so mark your calendar
Mars will travel close to Venus on Monday, July 12. Albeit, it will be much fainter and more difficult to detect. A little crescent moon will be visible over the duo after dusk
Saturn and Jupiter will make a line across the southeastern sky, near the moon's left, around midnight
The moon will pass between Saturn and Jupiter on the evenings of July 24 and 25. It will pass exactly below Jupiter on the evenings of July 25 and 26
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